Discussion Questions for Separate and Parallel by Beverly Park Williams
Major Spoiler Alert: These questions reveal many details from Separate and Parallel.
Separate and Parallel by Beverly Park Williams is historical fiction at its best. A heartfelt and moving page-turner that includes many plot twists for book clubs to discuss.
Use these questions to dig into the novel with your group.
Please only answer questions that are applicable to each of the four parts of the book.
PART ONE - Mother
What was your response to Aunt Louisa's treatment of Clarissa?
How did Clarissa's respite at church and time with her Bible give her strength?
What was your response to Cousin John's friendship with Clarissa?
PART TWO - The Disser Sisters, Our Story
What traditional roles did Sam accept and reject from his parents' expectations? And Claire?
What was your response to Mr. Disser's treatment of Claire?
How did Claire show her affection and special bond with Shirley?
What were the lasting effects for Janet of her brief relationship with her grandfather Samuel?
If you were Claire, would you be able to forgive Sam?
Why does Sam accept a separation from Claire instead of a divorce?
Why did Janet and Shirley retreat to private spaces and time alone during their childhoods?
What struggles was Claire willing to accept by walking away from her relationship with Frank?
PART THREE - Divorce and Marriage
What changes Claire's stance from a life of independence to a life with Cecil?
Was Claire's natural beauty a blessing or a 'curse'?
What was your response to Cecil's treatment of Shirley?
Why did Janet resist Sam's marriage to Elizabeth?
How did the birth of David and Donna change Sam's life? Janet's life?
PART FOUR - Discovery
February 14th had significance for both Sam and Claire. Are there other dates that are shared?
How is it possible for two families to live in the same city and keep their secrets intact for so long?
Would you be willing to meet a long-lost sibling after a separation of 70 years?
How many instances of parallels did you discover?